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地址:广州市白云区天健ID City创意园8栋109  



Brella的第一个空间位于Playa Vista–洛杉矶的一个开发中的社区,微软和Facebook都在那里设有办事处。它是由建筑师兼联合创始人Darien Williams和Rectangle设计室的Yasmeen khan共同设计的。这家Brella公司成立于2019年,由两位母亲—Darien Williams和Melanie Wolff所领导。Brella公司提供特定的、灵活的儿童保育服务,按小时付费,通过APP预约服务。

Brella’s first space is located in Playa Vista – a developing neighbourhood in Los Angeles where Microsoft and Facebook have offices. It was designed collaboratively by co-founder Darien Williams, who is also an architect, and Yasmeen Khan, of Rectangle Design Studio. Launched in 2019, the startup is led by two mothers – Darien Williams and Melanie Wolff . Brella’s service provides licensed, flexible child care, that is paid for by the hour and booked through an app.


Childcare subscription app Brella has opened its first space in Los Angeles, comprising play areas, a co-working space and a yoga studio. It includes a variety of rooms are meant to cater to children of different ages, but also to parents that may need space for work. There is also another area dedicated to yoga. but Brella says it is the first to offer “truly flexible high-quality care”. While online marketplace models have attempted to streamline families’ access to in-home care, and gyms and social clubs have dabbled in unlicensed onsite babysitting, no other provider has executed a successful model of truly flexible high-quality care. Brella is open for children aged between three months and six years old, and aims to save parents from needing to enrol in a monthly or annual programme. Instead, it offers subscriptions to a set number of hours per month, which can be booked according to individual needs and rolled over to the next month if not used.


The 8,060 square-foot (743 square metres) space includes three different classrooms, each with a different function: creative playroom, art lab and library. These are located closer to the facade, where there is the most light for active play. All of these classrooms open onto a central space, dubbed the “playground”.Smaller rooms that receive indirect light are then used as areas for quiet play or nap time. For families, there is a lounge, enrichment studio, and a quiet space, where adults can book rooms for meetings.


A bold colour palette is used to tie these spaces together. Painted, arched doorways lead from one room to another, matching arched clerestory windows that are set back from the facade and help illuminate the rooms.The team specified sturdy, commercial materials and made gender-neutral colour.furniture and accessories selections,Most are painted in a hue that resembles the Classic Blue hue that Pantone revealed as the colour of 2020 earlier this week. Other areas are painted in a bright coral as a contrast.

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